List of Current Strategic Initiatives
The main goal of this pilot project is making incoming Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) and Honors Theses more ADA accessible. This will involve collecting data and developing templates, style guides, instruction materials, and workflows…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Invest in People
The Open Educational Resource team seeks to sustain the Alternative Grants Program program, which has become an important pillar of FSU’s textbook affordability initiative since 2017 and supports instructors in their efforts to replace commercial…
Strategic Initiative:
Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People
This initiative will provide web hosting for digital projects through an educational technology company called Reclaim Hosting. This service would be available to any FSU faculty members, graduate students, or undergraduate Honors students who wants…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People
Led by the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist will use Articulate 360, a suite of e-learning authoring applications, to create online…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People, Promote Critical Thinking
FSU Human Resources will be involved by providing guidance and advice on adherence to university policies. We may also consult with the President’s Council on D&I (Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee) and the recommendation from the Anti-…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Invest in People
This initiative seeks to redress inequities and injustice in the descriptive language and narrative framing of archives, special collections, and the institutional repository. In this phase of work, we will apply conscious editing principles to…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Invest in People, Promote Critical Thinking
Our initiative is to improve internal communication within the library. We hope to understand our current environment, develop recommendations for better information sharing, and to reinforce good communication policies and practices.
Strategic Initiative:
Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Invest in People
This strategic initiative will create a group charged with organizing and implementing an on-boarding process for new Libraries faculty and staff. This includes the creation of a workflow that helps new employees understand how the Libraries work,…
Strategic Initiative:
Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Invest in People
This initiative will establish a lasting professional development group that spends dedicated time to creating, providing, and facilitating professional development opportunities library-wide. Through programming and sub-committee work this group…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Invest in People
Open Scholars Project (OSP) is an informal forum for FSU researchers and scholars to learn about and share their experiences with open publishing, open source code and open data across subject areas. The OSP aims to create a group that is action-…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People
The digital project incubator will provide targeted support to a limited number of faculty and student projects in digital humanities and digital scholarship. This incubator program will allow the Digital Humanities Librarian and Digital Scholarship…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People
This initiative is for the expansion of support for immersive scholarship on campus–this includes research and teaching that utilizes 3D data through the forms of 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive 3D publications.…
Strategic Initiative:
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Ensure Equitable Access to Information, Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community, Invest in People