FSU will be closed Friday January 24th due to a severe weather event.
Strozier will be open from 1 to 5pm on Friday and 1 to 6pm on Saturday. Dirac will remain closed. Normal hours will resume Sunday January 26th.
Additional details on student services and programming will be shared on the university's alert website as they are available.

Open Access Support

This page offers information on FSU Libraries’ current initiatives to support open access for faculty, staff and students.

Faculty Senate Open Access Policy

The FSU Faculty Senate adopted an open access policy on February 17, 2016, ensuring that future scholarly articles authored by FSU faculty will be made available to the public at no charge. This policy demonstrates the commitment of our faculty to disseminating the fruits of their research and scholarship as widely as possible, and promises to increase authors’ rights, readership, and citation rates. The waiver provision ensures that all faculty have the/research-and-publish/publishing/open-access-funding freedom to publish in the journal of their choice.

Open Access Publishing Fund

The Open Access Publishing Fund supports publishing costs for eligible open access (OA) journals and books when no alternative funding is available. Florida State University faculty and currently enrolled students may apply for the Open Access Publishing Fund by filling out an Open Access Fund Proposal.

Open Research Tools

Open Science Framework is a tool that promotes open, centralized workflows by enabling capture of different aspects and products of the research lifecycle, including developing a research idea, designing a study, storing and analyzing collected data, and writing and publishing reports or papers. Do not use this service to store or transfer personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), or any other controlled unclassified information (CUI). FSU's Research Data Management Policy applies. For assistance please email the FSU Libraries Open Science Librarian (khofmahoney@fsu.edu).

Florida State Open Publishing

Florida State Open Publishing provides publishing services for journals, monographs, open educational resources, and digital scholarship projects. We consult on a variety of scholarly publishing topics and digital research tools and methodologies. We aim to provide open access publishing expertise, services, and platforms to enhance the scholarly output of Florida State University students, faculty, and staff.

Open Community of Practice

The Open Scholars Project is an informal monthly forum to learn about and discuss developments in open access. The group allows FSU researchers and scholars to share experiences with open publishing, open source code and open data across subject areas.

FSU Open Access Advisory Board

The Open Access Advisory Board (OAAB) is a formal campus-wide board originally formed in 2016, after the Faculty Senate Open Access Policy passed and met through implementation in 2018. The board currently meets each semester and Board membership includes representatives from the Libraries, Faculty Senate, Office of the Provost, and Office of Research.

Transformative Agreements

New models have emerged to address publisher fees for open access. To best support authors, Florida State University Libraries signed a “Publish and Read” agreement with several publishers which allows the Libraries to sponsor publications by FSU affiliated authors to be freely available to all readers, through inclusion in our subscription package. The transformative agreements represent a significant breakthrough in bringing FSU’s research to readers without restrictive paywalls or subscriptions and helps build new, more financially sustainable models of scholarly communication.

Publishers with agreements at FSU include but are not limited to:

  1. Cambridge
  2. Microbiology Society
  3. Company of Biologists
  4. IOP
  5. Royal Society
  6. Royal Society of Chemistry
  7. De Gruyter


Subscribe to Open Agreements

“Subscribe to Open” (S2O) is an approach for converting subscription journals to open access without charging costs to authors. S2O relies on existing library subscriptions and allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time.
For more information on this model, visit: https://subscribetoopencommunity.org [Open URL]
FSU Libraries has “Subscribe to Open” agreements with publishers including, but not limited to:

  • MIT Press 
  •  Annual Reviews
  •  AIP journals 
  • De Gruyter
  • EMS Press
  •  Duke

Open Memberships and Partnerships

FSU Libraries supports projects in affordable publishing, repositories, and advocacy organizations as well as publisher discount programs for article processing fees.