The Fred L. Standley Award Guidelines

The Fred L. Standley Award 

The Fred L. Standley Award honors an outstanding faculty member within the University Libraries at the Florida State University for significant contributions to campus, state, national and/or international research librarianship and library development.  It is named for Fred L. Standley, FSU Daisy Parker Flory Professor of English and for all of his long career in the English Department and the Faculty Senate as well as a strong advocate for Florida State University Libraries.

Award:  The winner is acknowledged at the annual all Libraries Employees Recognition Reception, receives a framed certificate, and is identified on a plaque in the main lobby of Strozier Library. View winners of the award.

Criteria:  Individuals nominated must demonstrate achievements in areas such as:

1. Planning and implementing library programs and service of exemplary quality.
2. Superior service to students and faculty on and off the campus.
3. Service to local, state, national, and international library organizations.
4. Research and publications.
5. Mentoring of students, faculty, library staff, and library professionals.

Submissions: Electronic submissions are required.  Nominations may be made by students, colleagues, faculty, and supervisors (self-nominations will not be accepted), and should include:

1. A current vita of the person being nominated.
2. A letter from the nominator supporting the nominee.
3. Up to three letters of support from any combination of patrons, colleagues, faculty, or supervisors.

A committee consisting of FSU faculty and library staff will make the selection.    

Deadline for Submission:Friday July 26, 2024

E-mail nominating materials in one package with “Nomination of [ ~name~ ] for the Fred L. Standley Award” in the Subject Line to: Danielle Humphrey (  Decisions and announcement of winners will be made at a later date this summer.