Evidence Synthesis & Literature Review Services

FSU Libraries offers support in evidence synthesis to all FSU students, faculty, researchers, and staff. These services extend to methods used in systematic reviews, meta-analyses, scoping reviews, systematic mapping reviews, rapid reviews, and other systematic or structured approaches to literature reviews.

How Can We Help?

We can help you with synthesizing literature as well as conducting systematic reviews:

  • Recommend databases and scholarly sources
  • Refine search strategies
  • Provide support and training in synthesis tools such as: Covidence and other citation management tools
  • Aid in the use of citation management software for deduplication
  • Information management strategies

What we can't do

Due to capacity and time limitations, we cannot:

  • Preform or be a part of the screening processes
  • Extract data from selected articles

Co-author with a librarian

As a co-author a librarian can give more time and can perform tasks such as:

  • Selecting databases and grey literature resources to search
  • Writing the search strategy and carry it out across multiple databases and information sources
  • Exporting findings to citation management and screening tools
  • Performing de-duplication efforts or train other team members how to do this
  • Writing a portion of the methods section as it pertains to the searching and retrieval of articles

Talk to us before you get started

Schedule a consultation so we can:

  • Provide background information on the methods used in evidence synthesis
  • Recommend databases and information sources relevant to the topic
  • Offer guidance and suggestions for the search strategies
  • Recommend citation management and article screening tools
  • Provide guidance on best practices of data management and documentation