FSU will be closed Friday January 24th due to a severe weather event.
Strozier will be open from 1 to 5pm on Friday and 1 to 6pm on Saturday. Dirac will remain closed. Normal hours will resume Sunday January 26th.
Additional details on student services and programming will be shared on the university's alert website as they are available.

Subject Librarians and Research Specialists

FSU Libraries offers a professional subject librarian for each department, school, and program who provides tailored instruction, research assistance, and collection building. We also have several research specialists who provide expertise and support related to different scholarly methods and aspects of the research lifecycle that are applicable across multiple disciplines. Search our directory for a librarian that meets your specific needs.  

What can your subject librarian do for you? 

  • Serve as your first point of contact for information about library resources and services 
  • Select and purchase materials to support your research and current course curricula 
  • Collaborate with you to design and facilitate instruction sessions or workshops to introduce learners to the major research methods and tools used in specific disciplines 
  • Create course guides and other learning tools  that steer your students to appropriate resources 
  • Provide support and consultation for your research projects and for data discovery, analysis, and management 
  • Work with you to find Open Educational Resources for your instruction and for your students 

What are some of the services provided by our research specialists?