FSU will be closed Friday January 24th due to a severe weather event.
Strozier will be open from 1 to 5pm on Friday and 1 to 6pm on Saturday. Dirac will remain closed. Normal hours will resume Sunday January 26th.
Additional details on student services and programming will be shared on the university's alert website as they are available.

Dr. Kristine Harper Research Grant

Florida State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives offers travel grants of up to $1500 for non-FSU graduate students, post docs, early career scholars, and/or independent researchers whose work would benefit from in-person access to our collections.

The Harper Research Grant provides support for research in any collection managed by FSU Libraries Special Collections & Archives. Awards are funded by an endowment established by Dr. Kristine Harper, professor of history and philosophy of the Earth sciences at the University of Copenhagen, scholar and former Professor of History at Florida State University. Dr. Harper was inspired to create this fund to pay forward the support she received as a young scholar and believes that without the support of libraries, many scholars would not finish their degrees and important primary sources would be forgotten. She is dedicated to bringing FSU Libraries’ world-class collections to a broader scholarly audience and to supporting developing scholars.

Collections of unique manuscripts, historic maps, rare books, photographs, and university archives offer abundant opportunities for discovery and scholarship. Strengths of the collections include regional history from colonial times through the twentieth century, including but not limited to plantation and business records, Civil Rights, the French Revolution and Napoleonic Empire, poetry and literature, Florida political history, and the history of Florida State University. We are also the home of the Emmett Till Archives, the Claude Pepper Library, and FSU’s World War II Archives.

For information on the collections held by FSU LIbraries Special Collections & Archives, please see our website.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their research project and the collections that might support it with Special Collections staff before submitting an application. Please contact Special Collections or 850-644-6167 with any questions.


  • Deadline for applications: April 1, 2024 6pm (EST).
  • Grants will be awarded for research travel during May 20, 2024 - May 2, 2025


Harper Research Grants support travel to FSU Libraries Special Collections & Archives to view materials in person.

A successful candidate for the Harper Research Grant will:

  • Reside beyond a 100-mile radius of Tallahassee, FL.
  • Not be a current Florida State University employee or student.
  • Commit to schedule their research visit during the travel period.
  • Agree to submit a brief research report (1-2 pages) on your findings and experiences.
  • Agree to recognize the Dr. Kristine Harper Research Grant for Special Collections & Archives in their published scholarship or creative work.
  • Agree to provide Florida State University Libraries with a copy of their published scholarship or creative work.

How to Apply

To apply for a Harper Research Grant, please submit the following:

  • A project proposal (up to 4 pages) that includes a narrative description of your project (500 words) and an annotated list of the specific collections/materials to be consulted. Please name the document: LastName_FirstName_research_plan.pdf.
  • A brief budget of anticipated expenses. Please name the document: LastName_FirstName_budget.pdf.
  • Other Supporting Documentation in the form of a 1-2 page resume, CV, artists' statement, or other supporting documentation that lists or summarizes your relevant experience, education, accomplishments, or work. Please name the document LastName_FirstName_supporting.pdf.

Send all application materials by 6pm (EST) on April 1, 2024 to Special Collections with the email subject line: Harper Research Grant.

Please contact us at Special Collections or 850-644-6167 with any questions.

Potential Projects

Harper Research Grants support projects that present creative approaches, including historical research and documentation projects resulting in:

  • Dissertations, theses, and publications
  • Exhibitions
  • Educational initiatives
  • Documentary films, or other multimedia products and artistic works

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • The majority of materials identified in the application are stewarded by FSU Libraries Special Collections & Archives.
  • Application demonstrates reasonable expectations for budgeting, length of stay, amount of materials to be used, and consultation with SCA staff.
  • Research projects should render a tangible outcome which contributes to expanding cultural and/or intellectual bodies of knowledge.

Expenses and Reimbursement

Harper Research Grants are paid as reimbursement based on receipt documentation for personal expenses after completion of the research visit(s). The research grant does NOT cover fuel for a personal or rental vehicle. The recipient will receive a check by mail or direct deposit after submission of original receipts and other required documentation. International visitors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate visa for their research travel to FSU Libraries.

Grant money may be used for the following:

  • Transportation expenses (including air, train or bus tickets)
  • Car rental, mileage using a personal vehicle, parking fees, rideshare/taxi services
  • Accommodations
  • Meals will be reimbursed at the University travel rate ($6- Breakfast, $11- Lunch, & $19- Dinner)